Thursday, May 26, 2011

Longhand Post Writing

You know, yesterday's post about writing longhand? It was written... with pen on paper. Yep!

It took me exactly one page, which is nifty for scanning. So there you go, that's yesterday's post in all its handwritten glory. (ha!)

As usual, for a real and constructive post (I try), you can head at Wicked & Tricksy!

Back to writing with me. Look at the bar: I managed to get past 42,000 words. Progress!


  1. Is that graph paper? That is awesome.

  2. Yeah, it is! I didn't realise when I bought the notebook, but I figured there was no point not to use it. It comes in handy when I want to draw maps, too.

  3. That status bar is looking good! Mine would be embarrassing, a sliver of a word count. In such a bad mood that I've having trouble writing.

  4. I've *been* having trouble writing. (Would be sooo nice if Blogger let us edit our typos.)

  5. I like to write long hand when typing, or should I say, when ideas stall and frustrate me. It's a nice change of pace. I don't feel the pressure to write something instantly. You can't delete or backspace with pen and paper.

  6. Margo: I know how that's like. I'm *just* coming out of a word desert and it feels so good to be writing consistently again. :)

    Laura: I do that at times too, when I'm blocked. I pick a blank page and write on it instead. Often I switch to first-person, almost stream-of-consciousness. It helps unblock the scene.
